Manticajon, Ian Vincent
Atty. Ian Vincent C. Manticajon is senior lecturer of Communication and Media Laws and Ethics in the BA Communication Program. He is a practicing attorney doing litigation work in the areas of Family Law, Criminal Law, Property Law, and Human Rights. He writes a bi-weekly column for The Freeman Newspaper in Cebu and is a member of Cebu Media Legal Aid as legal advisor to the Cebu Citizens-Press Council. He sits in the board of trustees of the University of the Philippines Cebu Educational and Research Foundation, Inc. and the Children’s Legal Bureau. His work as a human rights lawyer for the farmers in Aloguinsan, Cebu earned him a Tatak UP Award in 2014 from the University of the Philippines Alumni Association Cebu Chapter. He lives a double life as a public interest lawyer and user-experience designer, having earned a Master’s Degree in Design from Shu-Te University, Taiwan in 2019, accomplishing a thesis entitled “Use of Green Design and User-Centered Design to Build Sustainable and Localized Coworking Spaces in Cebu.” His other research interests include freedom of speech and the impact of new media technologies.